Streethouse Primary School

Streethouse Primary School

Be the best that you can be!

Be SafeBe RespectfulBe Responsible Be a LearnerBe a LeaderBe the Best you can Be!

Whinney Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF7 6DJ

01977 798616


Spelling at Streethouse school is taught in KS1 and EYFS using

 Your children will be familiar with Fred talk, special friends , Fred Fingers and then using these skills to then spell the word. Children then learn to spell high frequency red words during the Get Writing Element of the programme. Please see below for further information about how this works. 

Each year group have a set of statutory spellings which children  are expected to know and learn, the spellings for each year group are here;

 t-l-5086-new-curriculum-spellings-for-year-1-and-2-_ver_4 (1).pdfDownload
 t2-e-3099-statutory-spellings-years-3-and-4-word-mat-_ver_2 (1).pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

We have decided to replace Spellodrome this year with Spelling Shed. Your children will be sent home with a username and password and instructions on how they can access the learning tool at home to supplement their in school spelling lessons. 

There are also lots of fantastic resources on BBC Bitesize for KS1 and KS2.

Your children will also use Busythings to help with spelling practise!

Click on the images below to be taken to the sites.

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