Streethouse Primary School

Streethouse Primary School

Be the best that you can be!

Be SafeBe RespectfulBe Responsible Be a LearnerBe a LeaderBe the Best you can Be!

Whinney Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF7 6DJ

01977 798616

Y1/2 Team Holmes

Welcome to Year 1/2!

We are Team Holmes!

Mr Iglesias  and Mrs Parker.

On Tuesday we will have our indoor PE lesson. Please bring your indoor PE kit!

We will also be doing forest schools every Thursday this half term, so please bring a change of warm clothes, your wellies and coats!

On Mondays children will choose their new library books. These will go home on a Friday and need to be brought back to school the following Monday.

Please make sure your children bring their book bags everyday! This will really help since the children take home multiple Read, Write, Inc books home each week.

Thank you for your continued support, 

Mr Iglesias and Mrs Parker

This weeks stars of the week are Annabell and Alec!

Spring 2

This half-term we are going to be learning about recycling.

 Spring 2 Curriculum Progression for KS1 Recycling Topic (1).docxDownload
 Spring 2 Knowledge Organiser - Recycling.docxDownload
 Spring 2 Recycling Homework grid KS1 Year B.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

Spring 1

 Spring 1 Curriculum Progression for KS1 Superheores & Space Topic.docxDownload
 Spring 1 Knowledge Organiser - Superheroes and Space.docxDownload
 Spring 1 Superheroes and Space Homework grid KS1 Year B.docxDownload
 Year 1 Spellings.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Spellings.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Week 1

We have had a SUPER first week back in Team Holmes. We have begun our new topic all about superheroes and space. The children have loved beginning their learning about Neil Armstrong and have been fascinated about his space mission to the moon. We have also started out new class story, SUPERTATO! We found this story very funny and have really enjoyed describing the main characters.

Autumn 2

 Autumn 2 Curriculum Progression for KS1 Traditional Tales Topic.docxDownload
 Autumn 2 Knowledge Organiser - Traditional Tales.docxDownload
 Autumn 2 Traditional Tales Homework grid KS1 Year B.docxDownload
 Year 1 Spellings.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Spellings.pdfDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Week 7

What an amazing last week we have had! We have enjoyed watching Aladdin in the Christmas Panto, our yummy Christmas dinner and we have had so much fun at our Christmas party. I want to say a big thank you and well done to all the children in Team Holmes! You have all worked so incredibly hard this term and have all really flourished in your learning. Have a lovely Christmas break and a fabulous New Year!

Week 6

What a week we have had in Team Holmes! This week we have been super excited because we have written our letters to Santa and we have used some very persuasive language to convince Santa to bring us the presents we want. Also, in Team Holmes this week, we have finally been able to perform our Nativity, Lights, Camel, Action! I am so incredibly proud of all the children, they all put 100% effort into the performances and were so dedicated to putting on a good show. Well Done Team Holmes!

Week 5

We have had a fabulous week in Team Holmes! We have been writing our formal letters of complaint to the characters in our class story. The children have all had some great ideas about who we could complain to and what they have may have done wrong. Also, this week we have been learning how to measure using rulers and non-standard units. The children have had lots of fun trying to measure different objects in the classroom. In D.T we have started to sew our puppets and the children have been so incredible patient and resilient practicing this new skill. Well done for a excellent week Team Holmes!

Week 4

This week we have started our new class story, The Jolly Christmas Postman. The children have loved the story and have been learning all about the different types of letters we can write. In maths we have had our last week on subtraction and addition which the children have really enjoyed. They have been asking for more challenging sums to complete as soon as they have finished their activities. In art we have started making our traditional tale puppets and we are all excited to start sewing them next week. Just to remind all Parents/carers that Monday 29th November is the day we need all our nativity costumes in and can all children please keep bringing their book bags into school so they can take their Read, Write, Inc. books home. Well done Team Holmes on another fabulous week!

Week 3

This week we have had our big independent writing task. The children have chosen their own characters, setting and storyline for their own traditional tale story. The whole class has really shown some amazing writing skills! In maths we have been practising our addition and subtraction and the children have loved asking for more challenging sums to complete. Well done Team Holmes for an amazing week!

Week 2

A big well done to all Team Holmes this week! They have been fantastic all week! The children have loved reading the alternative little red riding hood story this week and it has really shown in their writing. We have been very creative in art using collage to create characters from the story which look amazing. Well done Team Holmes! 

Week 1

This week has been a fantastic first week back at school.  We have started reading our new story little red riding hood and the children have loved using drama to retell the story. We have also learnt all about Guy Fawkes and the gunpowder plot. We have even made our own edible sparklers! Well done team Holmes for an amazing week!

Autumn 1

 Autumn 1 Catsles Homework grid KS1 Year B.docxDownload
 Autumn 1 Curriculum Progression for KS1 Castles Topic.docxDownload
 Autumn 1 Knowledge Organiser - Castles.docxDownload
 Castles word mat.pdfDownload
 Year 1 Spellings.pdfDownload
 Year 2 Spellings.pdfDownload
Showing 1-6 of 6

Week 7

What a fabulous last week Team Holmes have had! We had our spooktacular science day and the children had so much fun! We carved our pumpkins, made gooey goblin slime and even made our own witches bubbling potion. We have done our big write this week and it is amazing to see how far the children have come with their independent writing. A big well done to all Team Holmes for a super half term!

Week 6

This week in Team Holmes we baked our second cake for our class story. This time we added an extra ingredient to make it even more yummy! The children then wrote some fabulous instructions to explain to people how we made our cake. In forest schools this week, the children also did some exciting cooking outside. 

Week 5

We have had a very exciting week! We have started reading our new class story, Small knight and George and the royal chocolate cake. We have been looking at writing instructions in English so we made our very own chocolate cakes which were so yummy! We have also been looking at the Delacy family in preparation for our school trip to Pontefract castle next week. Well done on a fabulous week Team Holmes!  

Week 4

This week in Team Holmes we have finished the ending to our story, The Princess and the Wizard, we have loved reading this story. The children then wrote their own ending to the story and came up with some fabulous and imaginative ideas. In Art we started building our own castles out of clay and they are look great so far. Well done Team Holmes.

Week 3

In Team Holmes this week we have been continuing reading our class story, the wizard and the princess. We have now read the exciting part in the middle of the story and all the children are excited to see what happens in the ending. In history we have been learning about how people used to live in castles compared to how people live now. The children had a fantastic time in forest schools and were incredibly sensible when making their own little bonfire. Well done Team Holmes!

Week 2

Team Holmes has had a super week! We have started our new class story, The princess and the wizard. The children have loved making their own story maps and using drama to act out the story. In maths we are learning how to recognise and use our numbers to 20 and numbers to 50. Also, this week, we have had our first forest school session and the children had a fabulous time! Well done Team Holmes!

Week 1

What an amazing first week back we have had! All the children have settled in lovely to their new class and we are so proud of them. We spent the week learning our new classroom routines and getting to know all the children. They have shown off some of their super writing skills and have all drawn some amazing self-portraits. Well done for a super week Teams Holmes!

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