Streethouse Primary School

Streethouse Primary School

Be the best that you can be!

Be SafeBe RespectfulBe Responsible Be a LearnerBe a LeaderBe the Best you can Be!

Whinney Lane, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF7 6DJ

01977 798616

Y5/6 Team Finch

Welcome to Year 5/6.

Mr Finch is joined by Mrs Rhodes and Miss Scothorn. 

Take a look at our class page.   

Summer 2 - Living things and their habitats. What is a life cycle?  


Welcome back Team Finch. Take a look below at the planning files for this half term. 

 homework grid living things and their habitats (1).docxDownload
 Summer 2 Curriculum Progression for UPKS2 living things and habitats Topic.docxDownload
 Summer 2 Knowledge organiser - Living things and their habitats.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3
Week 6 
Well, here we are in the penultimate week of the year. It's getting to that stage where we are doing leaver's poems, completing our final pieces of work, and thinking about saying our goodbyes. Well done Year Sixes - you are ready for high school and you will thrive there. 
This week, we have been making our very own Maths 4 operations board games. The children have enjoyed making them, some even carrying on at lunchtime! 
We have enjoyed making powerpoints about the different life cycles of animals around the world. 
Special mentions to Jake and Filip. 
Mr Finch
Week 5 
How close are now? Week 5 down, and what a week! Year sixes have been up to their new high school, and really enjoyed seeing their future schools. They're ready - but there's still time to go in Streethouse. 
This week we have been practising our end of year production. It is really coming on! We look forward to sharing it with the parents, as we have worked so hard. 
In computing this week, we have looked at DATA, and the programme Excel. It is a very important tool to use, and one we will see more and more as the country goes paperless...
Well done to all the swimmers this week! 
Special mentions to Alex and Mathews. 
Mr Finch
Week 4 
Week 4 down, and 3 to go! Well done this week to the class, who are still working hard right up until the end. This week, we have finalised fractions - we can add them, simplify them, subtract them, convert them, multiply and divide them! 
In English this week, we have worked on our biographies of Jane Goodall. She is one of the great women who shaped our Science. 
Well done - special mentions to Lily B and Bradley this week - they are superstars. 
Mr Finch 

Week 3 


What a week in Team Finch. This week in maths, we have been looking at multiplying fractions by whole numbers. It seems hard at first, but then it is quite easy to get after - lots of concrete resources used. 
In English, we have written our very own 'Just So' Stories - they are tremendous and next week we will have the opportunity to read them to Reception/Nursery. 
We have also completed our very own 'Botany' books in Science - now we have cemented our subject knowledge about plants and trees. 
Well done 
Mr Finch
Week 2 
What a week! This week, we have begun looking at plants - and have been studying as botanists. Did you know that flowers have male and female reproductive parts? 
Year fives have completed their assessment week this week. It has been tough, but also very rewarding. How well they've done! 
On Friday, Year fives also went down to the Warhorse to see the unveiling of the new statues. 
Special mentions this week to Jade and Eva. 

Week 1 


Well done Team Finch for a great first week back. This week we have started looking at 'just so' stories - by our author Rudyard Kipling. Who knew they were so fascinating? We will be writing our very own versions next week. 
In Maths, we have been converting fractions! We have used improper fractions and mixed numbers. They were easier than we thought - weren't they? 
Well done Team Finch - special mentions to Kenzie and Maisie-Leigh. 

Week 5 


Well - we made it to the end! Well done Team Finch. It's been a short one, with days off here and there, but it has been a great one. Special mentions to the year sixes for completing their SATS this half term - they were tricky but we tried our best, which is all we as a school can ask. 
This week, we have been focusing on fractions in maths. These are something we keep coming back to again and again. We've enjoyed showing fractions using our foam rods this week. 
Special mentions to Olly and the Football Team for a great performance this week. 
Mr Finch
Week 3 
What a week! Well done to the Year Sixes for completing their SATS. It was tough - but we got our heads down and did out best. Well done all. 
We have been looking at a new artist this week - Charles R Knight. Did you know we have him to thank for how we see the dinosaurs? We've been making our own Charles R Knight - inspired fossil designs this week. 
Well done to Olivia and Chloe - you have been wonderful during SATS this week. 
Mr Finch

Week 2 


Here we are - the week before SATS. Year sixes have put in their all, and we're so proud of them. Try your best, and good things will happen. 
This week, we have been looking at the Dinosaurs. Our class have answered all the questions - what were the different dinosaur periods? How did the Dinosaurs end? Do dinosaurs still exist today? 
In Maths, we have been getting town to fractions/decimals/percentages. A hard topic, but not one we shy away from! 
Special mentions this week to Jasmin and Harry - you try every day 100% 
Week 1
We've had a great week in Team Finch. First of all, the new topic is fantastic. We've had some tremendous drafts of writing for our new display, and made some wonderful timelines. Ask your child why Jurassic Park is a film that needs to be remade...
In Maths, we've been checking our decimals, especially working on numbers between 0 and 1. Who knew that they could be so fun? 
Enjoy your weekend everyone - the hard work continues next week. 
Mr Finch 


Well done to all of Team Finch - it has been a great term. Have a wonderful break, and come back well refreshed next term. 
This week, we have had a special guest 'Ian Rankin' and completed our very own local poetry. It was a very inspirational afternoon. 
We have completed our Science this week, and concluded that moisture and oxygen is the best way to make nails rust. 
Special mentions this week to Filip and Lily-Ella. 
Mr Finch 
Where has the term gone? Is it week six already? 
We've had a great week this week. First of all, we have completed our scripts based on the 'four Yorkshiremen'. They are brilliantly written, and, well, quite hilarious at the same time. We have used ALL the features of a playscript. 
In forest schools, we have been making some delicious rhubarb crumble! Take a look at the slideshow above. 
What a day for PE too. Ask your child  about the amazing team games we played in the hall. 
Well done Team Finch. 
What a week in Team Finch! 
We have produced some fantastic David Hockney watercolour paintings. Check out the website for some good examples! 
In Maths, we have started to look at algebra. Some have found it a challenge, but it is not as scary as we think! Just think - letters for numbers! 
In PE this week, we performed some great teamwork lifts. 
Please make sure that your child has their PE kit every day at school! 
Mr Finch
Week 3 
Was this the best week we have had in Team Finch? It's right up there - what a residential! From climbing walls to ziplines, from piranha pools to ziplines, we've all had an amazing time. Well done to all involved for exemplary behaviour - you represented your school so well. 
Special mentions for Maisie-Leigh for some exceptional bravery and maturity, and Niamh for facing her fears! 
Well done Team Finch

Nah then! Yorkshire...God's own county. But WHEN did the cities and towns originate? Here, Eva took a map of Yorkshire and found the different time periods they came from. Very interesting...

Week 2 - What a week! Well done to Team Finch for an assessment week to remember. Some superb scores and some surprises! Year sixes are turning it up a notch now, and really working hard. Year fives are showing their potential. 
In English this week - we have been creating our brochures for Yorkshire. Who knew Yorkshire was such an interesting place? In Maths - we have been tackling fractions and completing some tricky co-ordinate work. 
Make sure you have a well-rested weekend, and check you've packed your bags ready for the residential!
Have a great weekend. 
Special mentions to Tyler for some great assessment results, and Lacey G - who has a fire in her belly! (maths fire). 
Mr Finch 
Week 1 
Welcome to Yorkshire! What a first week back it has been for Team Finch. Not only did we read an amazing short story about some miners who walked 25 miles home after a 72 hour shift, but we also produced some great brochures about the greatest parts of Yorkshire. Who knew that Yorkshire was home to some great museums, garden centres, cities and countryside? 
In Maths, we have been looking at Roman Numerals. Funny things, Roman Numerals. They almost work perfectly, except you have no zero, and cannot do maths with them! 
Next week is assessment week, so the children will be working hard (extra). 
Well done everyone. 
Mr Finch

End of half term

Here we are at the end of a fantastic term. What a topic that was! Year 5/6 have really enjoyed their topic this half term - and have learned so much about the 'Wild West'. Was it really so wild? Probably not. But still, a fun topic to study! 


In Maths this week, we have looked at time - particularly the 24 hour clock. Please help your child with duration of events and telling the time on both analogue and digital clocks. 
Have a relaxing half term Team Finch - the best is yet to come!
Week 5 
Well done Team Finch for a great week! We have great attendance, a great week of lessons - just great everything! In Maths we have been looking at 3d shape - ask your child to tell you the difference between a dodecahedron and a pyramid. 
In History, we have been looking at Kissin Kate Barlow - is she the evil murderer she was portrayed to be? We have enjoyed typing up these newspaper stories this week. 
Well done everyone. 
Week 4
Here we are at the end of Week 4. Well done Team Finch for another great week. We have been working hard on our maths this week, looking at different triangles and their properties. Ask your child about the different types of triangles. 
In English - there's been a murder! Or has there? Was Kissin' Kate Barlow acting in self defence. The children this week have begun to write newspaper articles - both biased and unbiased - about Kissin' Kate Barlow. 
Special mentions this week to Lexi R for some fantastic writing and Jade P for excellent behaviour. 
Take a look at the HAKA above!
Well done Team Finch.

Week 3

Week 3 down Team Finch! 
This week, we have been working on BODMAS. We've been working extremely hard on all sorts of problems - well done to all involved. 
In English, we have written out letters to Stanley's Mum. Some were true, some were LIES! We used lots of persuasive features, such as exaggeration and super synonyms. 
In History, we learned that people travelled to the American West for all sorts of reasons. Some of those reasons were better than others...
Well done Team Finch. 


Week 2 
This week, we have been looking at the USA. We all know the USA is 50 states - but has it always been that way? Team Finch have learned that the USA was originally 13 states, and that they migrated west, which was called 'Manifest Destiny'. They owned all the current USA in only 80 years! 
In Maths, we have been focusing on decimals. We have multiplied them, divided them, added them and subtracted them. Well done Team Finch for taking it all in! 
Next week, we will look towards more Banksy-style artwork, and why people emigrated West in the USA. 
Special mentions to Tyler W for his artwork (see below) and Darcie-Neveah for awesome maths work. 
Thank you Team Finch

Week 1 


What a first week back Team Finch! We've started our new topic - the Wild West. Was it so wild? Where was it? So far, we have learned that it was in the USA. Ask your children about the key geographical features of this fascinating country. 
In Maths, we have been working on multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. We've been working with concrete resources, and making sure we have a good understanding of this. Please help your child with their homework this weekend. 
In Forest Schools, we have been making our own Tipi. 
Special mentions this week to Jasmine for some great Maths, and Bailey who has really turned a corner in Year Six. 
Well done Team Finch

Week 7 


Merry Christmas Team Finch. 


Well done Team Finch - we made it to the end! This week, we finally fired our rockets into outer space (Okay, maybe 50 feet into the air). We've had a fun crafty week, making calendars and Christmas trees. We've also reproduced a Robert Frost poem - and done some lovely handwriting. 
Have a great Christmas Team Finch, and I'll see you refreshed in the new year!

Week 6

Are we really at the end of the term team Finch? This week we have begun our Science work - Rockets! We have seen Mr Finch blast off several on the school field, and deduced that we need a certain amount of water for the maximum height. 
In Maths - we are looking at quadrilaterals. We know there are six of them, but do we know all their properties? 
We have a packed Christmas week next week. Enjoy it Team Finch. 
Special mentions this week to Kenzie for a much better week, and Alex W for better presentation in his work. 
Well done. 


Week 5 


Team Finch! Another great week down, and only two to go. This week - we have been creating ziplines. Ask your child how gravity affects how objects fall. Does everything fall at the same pace? 
In Maths, we are getting to grips with percentages. We've done so much great learning with those 'bad models', and we are ready to work faster. We'll be wrapping that up next week and starting some festive maths. 
Special mentions to Mathews and Eunice - they are both the gel that holds the class together!
Well done Team Finch 

Week 4 


Thank you Team Finch for a superb week. We had a wonderful Science trip, and wrapped up all our learning about Space and the Planets. We have produced some fantastic Stephen Hawking writing too - who knew he was such an influential Scientific figure? 
In Maths, we have looked at fractions of amounts. Please help your child with their homework this weekend. 
Next week - get ready for some fascinating Science work - we will be explaining the principles behind zip lines!
Thank you Team Finch for a great week. 
Special mentions to Olly for some great behaviour on our trip, and Darcie-Neveah for some competitive hockey playing! 
Mr Finch 
Week 3
Hasn't this week gone by so fast? Well done to all the class this week. We have been studying one of Britain's finest ever Scientists - Stephen Hawking. He had a remarkable life, despite his illnesses. We're all inspired by his work. 
In maths this week, we have been looking at the 'dreaded' equivalent fractions. I say 'dreaded' as at the start of the week we found them really difficult. But we are getting the hang of them now. Well done Team Finch for perseverance! 
Next week, get ready for some amazing Science experiments - and our superb Science trip to Bradford Media Museum!
Mr Finch
Week 2 
Well done this week Team Finch for a tough Assessment Week. We've done so well - especially in Maths and Writing. 
We've also been looking this week at day and night - what is it? What causes it? Ask your child for more information. 
Next week, we begin our writing on one of the most famous scientists of all time - Stephen Hawking. 
Special mentions to Kaitlin for a cracking week of assessments, and Niamh, who is just, well, Niamh. 
Have a great weekend, and make sure you are well rested. 
Mr Finch

Enter text...

Week 1

Who knew Space was so vast? This week we have learned that it would take SEVEN YEARS to get to Saturn in a rocket. We have also learned that there is no evidence that the earth is flat - but it still helps to think scientifically about these things. 
In Maths - fractions work has begun! We have relearned the parts of a fractions, and shown them using concrete resources. Now, we will move on to fractions of amounts. 
Special mentions to Layton this week - well done for excellent behaviour. Harry also for increased effort in class. 
Well done for a great first week back team Finch. 
Week 6 done, and one to go! We've had possible the best week yet in Team Finch. There have been some wonderful Parthenon Marbles created. Ask your child where the Parthenon Marbles should be - Greece or the UK? It is a hotly debated topic! 
In Maths - we have been going through factors, multiples and primes. It has been a tough one, but we have made lots of progress. 
Special mentions this week to Lilly and Sky - both fantastic pupils to have in the class. 
Well done Year 5/6 - you've been great. 


Week 5 down - that went fast! 
This week, we have finally finished our Battle of Marathon Comics. They look superb, and are a wonderful way to tell one of the stories from Ancient Greece. Now, we begin our epic Greek Tales - creating our own Gods and writing our narratives. 
In Maths - we have been solving some two step problems, and even took part this week in the Maths World Cup! We had a wonderful time, and enjoyed burning off some calories whilst working. 
Let's enjoy our last two weeks Team Finch - we've made so much progress.
Week 4 down - and what  week! We enjoyed making flatbreads in Forest Schools. It was absolutely delicious. 
In Maths, we have been looking at subtraction. It has been tough at times, but the class are there now - and well done! 
We have created some great Parthenon Marble split pin models in Art. Special mention to Maisie-Leigh - hers was fantastic! 
Also a special mention to Jake this week - always has the class cheered up!
Don't forget to sign your letter for the trip to Bradford Science Museum 24th November!
Mr Finch

Week 3 


Week 3 down, and what a week! We have been looking at the battle of Marathon this week. A marathon is 26 miles. Ask your child to tell you how the marathon got its name!
In Maths, we have been covering place value, and in particular column addition. Your child will be bringing homework over the weekend to complete. 
Our trip is booked to the Science Museum for the 24th November. Please make sure you ask Mr Finch or the office if you have any enquiries. 
Special mentions this week to Eva-Lee and Tyla. Eva-Lee is a tremendous influence in the class, and Tyla is much improved. 
Check out Eva-Lee's prototype comic book below!
Mr Finch
Week 2 
Week 2 down, and another great week in Team Finch. This week, we've been getting to grips with Place Value in Maths; making sure we can break numbers down into their place values, and add and subtract tens, hundreds and thousands. 
In history, we have been looking at the timeline of Ancient Greece. Was it before or after the Ancient Egyptians? How many years was it before the Victorians? Ask the class to find out. 
Special mentions to Jade for excellent behaviour, and Tyler W for his inspiration Head Boy speech. 

Autumn 1 


Welcome to Team Finch 21/22! We've had a great week back, and are stuck into our new topic 'Ancient Greece'. The class are loving the new novel 'Who Let The Gods Out' and are producing some fantastic artwork. Check out the pictures below for more information and examples of our work. 
Special mentions to David this week for his great team spirit and problem solving, and Kaitlin for her wonderful attitude in class. 
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